On the Schedules screen, you can view and manage approved slots. Each approved slot is displayed as a separate availability, making it easy to track and manage multiple assignments:
- Availability Name: Displays the name of the availability for which the slot was approved. Click the name to view, edit, or track the availability.
- Student details: Displays the name of the student scheduled to an approved slot. If a student is not assigned, then go to Schedule Students to schedule a student for the slot.
- School name: Displays the name of the school associated with the slot.
- Preceptor: Displays the name of the preceptor or clinical instructor who will supervise the student during the availability.
- Location: Displays the location where the availability will take place.
- Availability Duration: Displays the start and end dates of the approved slot.
Actions: Displays to edit details, reassign students, manage other aspects of the assignment, and to message the school.
On the Schedules window, you can perform the following:
- Filtering Schedules
- Viewing or Editing Availability Name
- Assigning Students
- Editing Location
Filtering Schedules
On the Schedules window, you can view the availability using the following filters:
- Search: Click within the search text box and specify the availability name.
- Discipline: Enables you to narrow down availability opportunities based on the discipline.
- Start date: Select the required date from the calendar to filter the availability that begins on the selected date.
- End date: Select the required date from the calendar to filter the availability that ends on the selected date.
Clear filter: Resets all the applied filters, displaying all the available data without filters.
Viewing or Editing Availability Name
Click on the required availability name to view and edit the details. You will be redirected to the School Requests window where you can update or review the information. For more information, go to View and Track Availability.
Scheduling Students
You can assign students to the required slots by performing the following steps:
- Click Schedule Student or click .
- In the <<Slot Name>> screen, specify the following details:
- In the Availability Details:
- Location: Select the required location from the drop-down menu.
- Unit: Displays the number of units available for the selected slot.
- Discipline(s) & Specialization(s): Select the necessary discipline and expand the menu to select the specializations.
- Shift: Select the required shift from the drop-down menu.
- Days of the Week: Specify the days the rotation will take place.
- In the Availability Details:
Note: You can select more than one specialization and discipline, shift, and days of the week.
- In the Student Details:
- First Name: Enter the student’s first name.
- Last Name: Enter the student’s last name.
- Email: Provide the student's email address.
- Preceptor: Select the preceptor who will mentor the student.
- Placement Start Date: Enter the start date for the internship placement.
Placement End Date: Enter the end date for the internship placement.
- In the Message Received During Track Requests section: View all messages received from the location related to the assignment.
- In the Message section:
- In the Add your message here text box, type your message.
OR - Click under the Actions column to message the required availability.
- Click Send Message.
- In the Add your message here text box, type your message.
- In the Student Details:
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